Meeting Summary - 01/09/2025 ROS Meeting - Webex Only
Grid Monitor AI | Posted 01/09/2025
▶️ 0 - Validation for ROS Standing Representatives - Suzy Clifton
▶️ 1 - Antitrust Admonition - Suzy Clifton
▶️ 2 - Election of 2025 ROS Chair and Vice Chair - Vote - Suzy Clifton
- Introduced newly seated representatives: Tony Kroskey (Brazos), Shane Thomas (Shell), Justin Cockrell (DC Energy), and Dinesh Ramachandran (NG Renewables Energy Marketing).
- Chase Smith nominated Katie Rich from Vistra Energy for ROS 2025 Chair.
- Katie Rich accepted the nomination.
- No additional nominations for Chair were received, so Katie Rich was elected as ROS 2025 Chair by acclamation.
- Eithar Nashawati nominated Sandeep Borkar with LCRA for ROS 2025 Vice Chair.
- Sandeep Borkar accepted the nomination.
- No additional nominations for Vice Chair were received, so Sandeep Borkar was elected as ROS 2025 Vice Chair.
▶️ 3 - Agenda Review - ROS Leadership
▶️ 4 - Approval of ROS Meeting Minutes - Possible Vote - ROS Leadership
- Motion to approve as submitted the November 7, 2024 Meeting Minutes added to the combo ballot.
- Motion to approve as submitted the December 5, 2024 Meeting Minutes added to the combo ballot.
▶️ 5 - ERCOT Reports
▶️ 5.1 - Operations Report - Freddie Garcia
- ERCOT's November 2024 unofficial peak demand was recorded at 60,170 megawatts, an increase of 3,635 megawatts from November 2023.
- Three OCNs were issued in November: one for a topology change in the Panhandle IROL region, and two anticipating possible future emergency conditions.
- A new PVGR penetration record of 44.17% was set on November 20th at 14:55.
- Inconsistencies were identified in the largest net load ramp table for 2016-2020, which have now been corrected.
- Freddie Garcia confirmed there were no reliability risks associated with the new PVGR penetration record, and generation was sufficient to meet demand.
▶️ 5.2 - System Planning Report - Ping Yan
- All ERCOT end-of-year reports have been posted on the ERCOT website.
- Reports include:
- Constraints and Needs Report
- Regional Transmission Plan Report
- Long Term System Assessment Report
- Grid Reliability and Resilience Assessment Report
- ERCOT will hold an EHV 765 workshop on January 27th to discuss the 765 plan.
- The new Grid Reliability and Resilience Assessment Report is a requirement from Senate Bill 1281, and ERCOT is required to perform this assessment every other year.
- The assessment studied two extreme weather scenarios:
- A winter peak scenario similar to the 2021 Uri storm
- A Category 5 hurricane scenario hitting Houston
- Findings suggest that transmission enhancements are needed to reduce load loss and prevent system cascading events.
- For the winter peak scenario, ERCOT found a need to enhance import paths to Central Texas and between South Dallas and Central Texas.
- For the hurricane scenario, substation hardening is crucial in reducing the impact on the Texas grid and consumers.
- Ping Yan suggested that results could be further discussed in the January RPG meeting.
▶️ 6 - ROS Revision Requests - Vote - ROS Leadership
- The discussion for agenda item number 6 was combined with item number 7.
▶️ 6.1 - NOGRR271, Related to NPRR1257, Limit on Amount of RRS a Resource can Provide Using Primary Frequency Response - Possible Vote
- Motion to endorse and forward to TAC the 12/5/2024 ROS Report and 10/21/24 Impact Analysis for NOGRR271 added to the combo ballot.
- IA identified as having no cost and no impact.
▶️ 6.2 - NOGRR273, Related to NPRR1264, Creation of a New Energy Attribute Certificate Program
- Motion to table NOGRR273 added to the combo ballot.
▶️ 6.3 - PGRR123, Related to NPRR1264, Creation of a New Energy Attribute Certificate Program
- Motion to table PGRR123 added to the combo ballot.
▶️ 6.4 - RRGRR038, Related to NPRR1264, Creation of a New Energy Attribute Certificate Program
- Motion to table RRGRR038 added to the combo ballot.
- NPRR1264 aims to expand the existing energy attribute certificate program to include more participants.
- WMS voted to table all their items and suggested evaluating NPRR1264 and related revision requests in detail.
- There is a suggestion to let WMS work on the program design before reviewing for reliability concerns.
▶️ 7 - NPRR1264, Creation of a New Energy Attribute Certificate Program - Possible Vote - ROS Leadership
- Motion to request PRS to table NPRR1264 added to the combo ballot.
- Introduction of NPRR1264 as a new certificate program replacing the traditional REC program.
- One revision request related to NPRR1264 remains tabled.
- Discussion of various working groups: OWG, NDSWG, PLWG, DWG, IBRWG.
- Combo ballot mentioned, indicating grouped non-voting items.
- Consideration of leadership appointments for working groups, with some positions already filled.
▶️ 8 - Revision Requests Tabled at PRS and Referred to ROS - Possible Vote - ROS Leadership
▶️ 8.1 - NPRR1229, Real-Time Constraint Management Plan Energy Payment
- The decision is to leave NPRR1229 tabled to see what happens when it exits WMWG.
▶️ 9 - Revision Requests Tabled at ROS - Possible Vote - ROS Leadership
- Agenda item 9 is a long-standing tabled item.
- No questions were raised regarding this agenda item.
▶️ 10 - Operations Working Group - OWG - Rickey Floyd
▶️ 10.2 - NPRR1238, Voluntary Registration of Loads with Curtailable Load Capabilities - OWG - Possible Vote
- Close to finalizing; expect to file comments in 2 to 3 weeks.
- Collaboration with Golden Spread mentioned.
- OWG meeting scheduled for Monday; expect comments on NPRR1238 during this meeting.
▶️ 10.3 - NOGRR265, Related to NPRR1238, Voluntary Registration of Loads with Curtailable Load Capabilities - OWG - Possible Vote
- A quick status update was provided on NOGRR265.
- NOGRR265 is related to NPRR1238 concerning voluntary registration of loads with curtailable load capabilities.
- The topic was discussed by the Operating Working Group (OWG).
- There is potential for a vote on the matter.
▶️ 11 - Network Data Support Working Group - NDSWG - Gerardo Escamilla
▶️ 11.1 - NPRR1234, Interconnection Requirements for Large Loads and Modeling Standards for Loads 25 MW or Greater - NDSWG - Possible Vote
- Highlighted an ongoing discussion about the defined term for "transmission service bus" proposed in NPRR1234.
- The defined term is primarily relevant to PGRR115 and may require additional comments for modification or removal.
- Comments on PGRR115 are expected to be filed within 1–2 weeks.
- Suggestion to keep NPRR1234 tabled for one more month.
▶️ 12 - Planning Working Group - PLWG - Dylan Preas
- Mina Turner was nominated as PLWG chair for 2025, currently vice chair for 2024.
- Kristin Cook was nominated as vice chair, noted for active participation in PLWG.
▶️ 12.1 - PGRR115, Related to NPRR1234, Interconnection Requirements for Large Loads and Modeling Standards for Loads 25 MW or Greater - PLWG - Possible Vote
- In December, comments and discussions focused on disconnecting large industrial loads and establishing stability and steady screening thresholds.
- There was talk about including criteria for a standalone 1,000 MW load interconnection.
- PLWG decided to table the discussion for additional follow-up at the January meeting due to ongoing discussions and the need for responses to comments.
▶️ 12.2 - PGRR119, Stability Constraint Modeling Assumptions in the Regional Transmission Plan - PLWG - Possible Vote
- The item was taken back from the last ROS for further comments from joint commenters.
- ERCOT will collaborate with joint commenters to refine the language of the item.
- The discussion on this item was tabled pending further discussion in January.
▶️ 12.3 - PGRR120, SSO Prevention for Generator Interconnection - PLWG - DWG - Possible Vote
- Southern Power submitted comments on the proposal.
- Proposed addition: Allowing existing generation resources to modify interconnection to a series compensated line if SSO is mitigated.
- ERCOT requested more time to review comments.
- The item was tabled for further discussion in January.
▶️ 12.4 - PGRR122, Reliability Performance Criteria for Loss of Load - DWG - PLWG - Possible Vote
- Introduction of PGRR122, which adds planning criteria to limit the total loss of load to less than 1000 megawatts under ERCOT and NERC reliability criteria.
- Discussion on including NERC P6 standards and potential overlap with events defined in PGRR115.
- The PLWG tabled PGRR122 for further discussion in January.
- Tracking of NERC standards CIP-013 and TPL-008 which affect planners.
- An ongoing action item to review and revise the use of 'load' in the planning guide for alignment with protocol section 2, continuing in planning working group meetings.
▶️ 13 - Dynamics Working Group - DWG - Paul Koberlein.
- Concerns were raised about the current language of PGRR122, specifically regarding ownership responsibilities.
- Issues were identified around TSPs potentially being unable to fulfill required duties due to ownership complications.
- The group decided to table PGRR122 for further review.
▶️ 13.1 - NOGRR272, Advanced Grid Support Requirements for Inverter-Based ESRs - DWG - IBRWG - Possible Vote
- Discussion to continue in February on PGRR121 and NOGRR272 due to the need for a more detailed review.
- Potential PGRR for SSWG case security was presented, feedback will be provided.
- Texas RE completed the 2024 case quality metrics assessment with improvements in some metrics; recommendations left for focus areas.
- Opposition to PGRR120 was noted; further discussion planned to address concerns.
- Potential update to SSR study scope guidelines to be discussed in the next meeting.
- Flat start case development update nearly complete, targeting approval by January 2025.
- Modeling and stability discussions progressing with suggestions being solicited for comments.
- 2025 DWG meeting schedule posted on the DWG landing page.
▶️ 13.2 - PGRR121, Related to NOGRR272, Advanced Grid Support Requirements for Inverter-Based ESRs - DWG - IBRWG - Possible Vote
- Fred Huang from ERCOT discussed NOGRR272 and PGRR121, focusing on large amounts of IVRs on the grid and stability challenges.
- Talked about solutions for stability issues, including synchronous condensers and inverter-based resources.
- Discussed the development of advanced grid support capabilities for batteries with benefit studies beginning in 2023.
- Mentioned NERC's two white papers on grid forming technology and specifications for grid forming batteries.
- ERCOT is working on a testing framework with engaged electronics to adopt this technology, forming the basis for NOGRR and PGRR.
- Outlined benefits of grid forming technology such as transient dynamic voltage and frequency response improvements.
- ERCOT noted no additional hardware or overload capacity is required for these requirements, fitting within planned equipment ratings.
- No energy market dispatch changes are required under the current proposals.
- NOGRR provides a high-level requirement definition, while PGRR adds modeling details.
- ERCOT is working on a DWG procedure manual update to include the testing framework, anticipating discussion in February.
- All tests are simulation-based with no envisioned physical commissioning tests.
- Implementation timelines are flexible, with ERCOT working with stakeholders on reasonable dates.
- Some projects in weak grid areas are adopting advanced grid support capabilities before official approval.
- Fred Huang provided a global update on grid forming capabilities with examples from other system operators and manufacturers.
- Discussion included procurement strategies, e.g., Hawaii's competitive RFP process for grid forming batteries.
- Inertia markets were mentioned; ERCOT sees stable inertia levels, with benefits seen in weak grid scenarios.
- Michael Jewell raised timelines issues comparing European and proposed ERCOT timelines.
- Manufacturers will be invited to present on their advanced grid forming capabilities and related challenges.
- Coordination between IBRWG and DWG was discussed with testing frameworks and procedure manual updates in progress.
Next Steps
- Continuing to discuss and refine PGRR and NOGRR requirements at IBRWG meetings.
- Inviting manufacturers for discussion on January 17th on capabilities and limitations.
- Coordinating a DWG and IBRWG session in February for further testing framework review.
▶️ 14 - Inverter Based Resources Working Group - IBRWG - Julia Matevosyan
- Leadership: Julia Matevosyan and Miguel Cova Acosta agreed to serve another year as chair and vice-chair respectively.
- NERC Updates: NERC projects, part of FERC order 901 related to IVR performance and monitoring, have been submitted before the deadline fulfilling milestone 2.
- Current and Upcoming NERC Projects: Projects are moving towards milestone 3, focusing on modeling, including EMT modeling. A technical conference is scheduled for January 15th-16th.
- TRE SAR for BAL-001-TRE: Clarifying roles and PFR performance for batteries. Does not address deep core payments and wind generation performance.
- ERCOT's IVR Category 2: Resources of 20-75 MW must register with NERC by May 2025-2026.
- NERC Level 2 IVR Modeling Alert: NERC has received and analyzed responses. TRE will present findings at the January IBRWG meeting.
▶️ 15 - Combo Ballot - Vote - ROS Leadership
- Motion to approve combo ballot passed unanimously with no abstentions
▶️ 16 - Black Start Working Group - BSWG - Michael Dieringer
- A meeting took place in December for the group.
- The next meeting is anticipated around March.
▶️ 17 - Steady State Working Group - SSWG - William Robertson
- Finalized the 2025 SSWG calendar; meetings available on the SSWG landing page.
- TPIT report posted on January 24th under MIS.
- Starting 2025 SSWG case building process this month, with preparation beginning next week.
- Expected publishing date for the first case build is in June.
- This is the second year cases will be in the node breaker format.
▶️ 18 - Operations Training Working Group - OTWG - Manuel Sanchez
- ERCOT has closed agreements with a new vendor provider for the operator certification exam, transitioning from a previous vendor.
- The new testing platform will be fully remote using local proctors.
- Communication and training will be provided for exam facilitation.
- ERCOT operations training group will undergo training to familiarize with the new platform.
- 2024 in-person Black Start seminar was successfully completed.
- ERCOT completed CEH processing for market participants who completed training.
- A computer-based Black Start training will be released by ERCOT's learning center.
- The operations training seminar schedule is in progress with tentative dates identified.
- A pilot session is planned for presenters to facilitate class schedules.
- No emergency training is scheduled for this year's operations training seminar.
▶️ 19 - Other Business - ROS Leadership
▶️ 19.1 - 2025 ROS Goals
- Review of ROS goals is anticipated to align with TAC decisions.
- Participants were advised to prepare thoughts on ROS goals for the February meeting.
- Upcoming discussion on ROS working group leadership for the current year.
▶️ 19.2 - 2025 ROS Working Group Leadership
- Participants reminded to submit nominees for chair and vice chair positions.
- A formal email was sent by Suzy Clifton for responses regarding leadership nominations.
- Aim to complete the leadership table to identify any open seats.
- Reminder to have materials prepared and reviewed before the ROS meeting.
▶️ 19.3 - Review Open Action Items List
- Suzy Clifton updated the items; some require confirmation to be removed.
- Updates discussed in the NDSWG handbook; still under review.
- PLWG provided an update on their progress.
- Susana Hildebrand to present on EPA issues at the January 30th WWG meeting.
- EEA2 event item removed; parking lot item KTC 15.15 Black Start Service remains.
- Approval process described for removing items upon TAC confirmation.
- Meetings scheduled through August and Webex conflicts noted.
- Chase Smith raised questions about NOGRR245 implementation; ERCOT's Agee Springer provided expected timelines for information release and workshop scheduling.
- Discussion on RFI results for PUN issue; Fred Huang provided a status update.
▶️ 20 - Adjourn - ROS Leadership
01/10 - 9:00 AM
ERCOT - OWG Meeting - Webex Only01/13 - 9:30 AM
ERCOT - PWG Meeting - Webex Only01/13 - 9:30 AM
ERCOT - RTCBTF Meeting01/14 - 9:30 AM
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