Keyword Tags - remand

News Results

Category Title Publishdate Weight Action
PUCT PUCT remands CenterPoint vs. League City for further factual analysis 03/09/2017 2 VIEW
Courts Texas Regional Haze: Fifth Circuit Grants EPA’s Motion to Remand the Texas Regional Haze FIP 03/24/2017 2 VIEW
PUCT Texas PUC rejects settlement, remands El Paso Electric EECRF case 01/12/2018 2 VIEW
PUCT Entergy Texas fuel reconciliation remanded due to lack of “notice” 07/31/2020 2 VIEW
PUCT Texas Commission remands CPS Energy transmission CCN case for second time 11/23/2021 2 VIEW
PUCT Texas PUC remands Entergy transmission routing settlement 07/19/2022 2 VIEW
Courts Fifth Circuit rules bankruptcy court to abstain from ERCOT-Winter Storm Uri Case 04/21/2023 2 VIEW
Special Report PUCT remands NPRR 1186 to remove penalty provisions 01/23/2024 2 VIEW